So there's a page for people who want to suggest "Alternative Technologies" to deal with the oil spill in the gulf: I have to admit, I was tempted to submit one myself.
Brief Description of Technology (200 words or less
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Like I told my best friend -- even if President-Elect Obama (yay!) accomplishes nothing else, he's already made history and kept Sarah Palin from being a heartbeat away from the presidency.
When I came down for dinner, Grandmommie said, in her best I've-got-a-secret voice, "Did you hear? McCain's Vice President's daughter is pregnant. And she's just seventeen! Do you think she's gonna get an abortion
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Taxation: the form of theft by which the government sponsors all other intrusions into individual citizens' lives and liberties.
(I'm not sure if it's a definition I thought up myself, or if it's something I read elsewhere, but either way, it's nifty enough that I wanted to remember it.)